
Jesus concluded His sermon from Simon Peter’s boat in Luke 4:3. As a reward for peters willingness to give up his boat, Jesus said, launch out, into the deep and let down your nets for a great catch (Luke 5:4). The catch was so large they beckoned to their partners for help (Luke 5:7). Even the other ships were overwhelmed by the catch.

A tree cannot make a forest. A single broomstick is easily broken but not so with a broom. The harvest is ripe. The net is full. We are beckoning for your presence. Together we stand. Together we are winners. Together is easier and better. Economics called it the advantages of division of labor. Join with us to create a formidable, winning, and unbeatable team.

Let’s establish schools round the world. Bring up the children in the way of the Lord and when they grow up, they will not depart from it.

Wealth change hands. The wealth of the unbelievers is stored up for us. Let’s destroy poverty forever.  Let’s help someone else to stand. As God gives us grace, let’s empower the less privileged, the poor and, the marginalized all around the world.

Partner with us and support in different ways.





Speaking engagement opportunities

Purchase of available books

Support BCI School of Theology and Chaplaincy for your biblical studies

Support Truth Academy for elementary/primary education 

Support secondary/high school education and the vocational school for acquiring skills.

Teach them how to fish and there will always be food on the table. Give us a land or a building. We will empower your people and give your community a school for all ages and provide opportunities for a better life.

Partners get discounts from time to time.

What are you waiting for? Tell somebody already. Ring the bell. Sing it on the mountain top, the roof top, and in the valleys.

Together we form the team, and the Holy Spirit will give us the steam, drive, wherewithal, and anointing to accomplish the task.

Dr Alexander Ikomoni
